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Público·26 miembros

Cbr 1000 For Sale In Cincinnati Ohio

F r 1c 1cII 2 THE THEW WASHnrGTOjr t ASHING ASHINGTO 01i HERALD HERALDk SUNDAY STIITE TUNE26 UNE 26 1910 910 JWANT AD BRANCHES BRANCHESOFOF OFTHE OFTHE ri riTHETHE WASHINGTON V HERALD HERALDWant HERALDWantWant Want Ads for The Washington Washlll ton Herald Heraldmay Heraldmay Heraldmaymay be left at tho main office lit 4 Fit Fifteenth Pttteenth Fitteenthteenth street northwest or at any of the thefollowing thefotlowlng thefollowingfollowing branches or may be telephoned telephoneddirect telephoneddlreot telephoneddirectdirect to the main office and bill will be becent belent besentcent for the amount due dueRATES dueRATES dueRATESRATES RATESOne RATESOne RATESOneOne Cent a Word V ord for Each Insertion InsertionMinimum Insertionlklfn1mum InsertionMInimumMinimum charge lOc per day dayThere dayTllere dayThereThere Is no extra charge for ads tele telephoned telephoned telephoned phoned Those rho e left at branches are also alsoat alsoat alsoatat the same rate but must be paid in ad advance advance adBRANCH vance vanceHERALD vanceHERALDHERALD BRANCH OFFICES OFFICESNORTHWEST OFFICESNORTHWEST OFFICESNOTRWE8TNORTHWEST NORTHWESTWOODWARD NORTHWESTWOODWARD NOTRWE8TWOODWARDWOODWARD Bureau BureauGOLDENBERGS BurenuGOLDENBERGS GOLDENBERGS G NBEflGS Information Bureau BureauHECHT BureauHECHT BureauHECHTHECHT CO Cashlers Office OfficePALAIS OfficePALAIS OfficePALAISPALAIS ROYAL Information Bureau BureauSS KANN SONS CO Information Bu Bureau BuTerWILLBOURN BuTAWILLBOURN reau reauTT TerWILLBOURN TAWILLBOURN A WILLBOURN 1214 Wisconsin ave aveMODERN aveMODERN ayeMODERNMODERN PHARMACY 7th and E ate stsCARPENTER a18CARPENTER ateCARPENTERCARPENTER DUNLOP D NLOP 14th and Gir Glrard Girard GirNICHOLSard sts stsNICHOLAS stsNICHOLSNICHOLS PHARMACY 19th and Pa av avBUTLER avBUTLER v vBUTLERBUTLER FIELD 3d and Indiana ave aveCONCORD aveCONCORD ayeCONCORDCONCORD PHARMACY PHAlU ACY J E Woodtord WoodfordCHARLES WoodtordProPt WoodtordPropProPt Prop 1516 1516 New Hampsnlre ave aveCHARJS aveCHARLESCHARLES CHARLES C HORNUNG Christian ChristianPharmacy ChrlstlanlPharmaCYls ChrisUaniPharmacyPharmacy PharmaCYls sw W cor 7th and M sta staB s18S atsaB M r WAGNER WAG WAGNER ER 1st and H ate stsSIMPSONS 518SIMPSONS ateSIMPSONSSIMPSONS PHARMACY PH RMACY cor 7th at atand ZItand atandand R L ave and R st stJOHNSTONS stJOHNSTONS atJOHNsTONSJOHNSTONS PHARMACY 1221 N J av avF avo avoF avPF P WELLERS PHARMACY 3534 534 M MATKINSONS MATKINSONS MATKINSONSATKINSONS PHARMACY nth and G GASTORIA GASTORIA GASTORIAASTORIA PHARMACY 3d and G ate stsant s13KENESA ateKENESAWKENESA W PHARMA PHARMAdY Y Mount Pleas Pleasant Pleasantant and Irving sts stsTAYLOES stsMcNULTYS ateMcNULTYSMcNULTYS CIGAR STORE 133G 14th st stTAYLOES 5tTAYLOESTAYLOES PHARMACY 9th and P sta staDAVIS staDAVIS steDAVISDAVIS PHARMACY 9th and S sts stsASQUITHS stsASQUITHS ateASQUITHSASQUITHS PHARMACY ISIS 14th st atT stT stT IT L L LEATHERWOOD 616 6 14th at atSTOTT 8tSTOTT stSTOiTSTOTT SNYDER 13th and G sts stsNEW stsNEW 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HatsSOUTHEAST ate stsSOUTHEAST ateSOUTHEASTSOUTHEAST SOUTHEASTBURROWS SOUTHEASTBURROWS SOUTHEASTBURROWSBURROWS PHARMACY 1501 Pa P ave aveROACH aveROACH aveROACHROACH DRUG CO 8th and G sts stsF stsF steFF P WELLER 8th and I i sts stsGUY stsGUY etsGUYGUY M NEELEY 11th and C eta stsBROOKLAND 8tsBROOKLAND etaBROOKLANDBROOKLAND BROOKLANDCHARLES BROOKLANDCHARLES BROOKLANDOHARLESCHARLES G LENNON 12th and New Newton Newton Newton ton etaANACOSTIA ANACOSTIAGG B BURYS PHARMACY cor cor Monroe Monroeand Monroeand Monroeandand Jefferson ate stsALEXANDRIA 5tlALEXANDRIA ateALEXANDRIAALEXANDRIAWILLIAM WILL r P TAYLOR 616 ti1 King st stLOST st stLOST atLOSTLOST AND FOUND FOUNDLOST FOUNDLOST P0111ThLOSTLOST PAPER SIGNED IVEY FLEWIS Attorney Liberal rewardAddress G Herald office officesorarlmmed otn otnLOST officeLOSTPARTLOST LOSTPART PART OF O1 ANTIQUE FOB FOBsok1rlmmed FO FOeIdrimmedsok1rlmmed sorarlmmed stone Finder rewarded rewardedave rewardedww P METCALF 1130 13 N Y ave 179 179LOSTA li9LOSTA 179i3iALOSTA i3iA DIAMOND DIAMOND STICKPIN KNOT KNOTshaped KNOTshaped KNOTshapedshaped Return to 1M Center Market Marketand Marketand Marketandand receive reward 178 178onyx 178LOSTLot LOST AN OLDFASRIONED RED REDonyx RBDonyxonyx brooch br OCh in a Berry Whltmoresbox In Woodward Lotbrops or fromF st car on Wednesday afternoon the the23d tbe2id the23d23d of June Liberal reward Address Addre Addressi s1782 17 i Corcoran st 177 177PEBSONAL3 171PERSONALn lflPERSONALf3PEBSONAL3 PEBSONAL3WORK3NGA PERSONALnWORKL PERSONALf3WORKINGMENSINCEWORK3NGA WORKL WORKINGMENSINCE GMENSINCE ENSINCE THE DAYS OF OFAdam OFAdam OFAdamAdam men have been looking for a abargain abarpln abargainbargain in tailored slightly us used d suits suitsSay suitsSa suiteSaySay Sa boWs how this th1IJ1 3 to Sli 15 See us One Oneprice Oneprloe Onepriceprice only JUSTHS JU9THS JTJ THS OLD STAND 61D 61DD 619D 6iDDD nwARE YOU IN DOUBT DOUBTBRADFORDS DOUBTBRADFORDS DOUBTflRADFORDSBRADFORDS DETECTIVE AGENCY AGENCYSUITE AGENCYSUITE AGENCYSUITESUITE 234 34 COLORADO BUILDING BUILDING14th BUILDING14th BUILDING14th14th and G Phone Main 2SS 2SSExpert 55Export 25IxportExpert Investigations Inve tIgattons any cause all allsections alseetions allsectionssections private consultation rooms ail ailbusiness a1Ibusiness allbusinessbusiness strictly confidential established j1ISL 1 Office hours 9 a m to i 590 IO p nt ntafter mafter inaLterafter I p m Mr Bradford can b be con consulted eonsuited i isuitedsuited at his residence 3002 Eleventh st 8t 8tnw atnw jnw Phone Columbia 1924 I I 1 1WHITS 111 111VlIITSONS 1WHITSONSWHITS VlIITSONS ONS KODAKERY KODAKERYFilms IiODUiERYFUms KODAKERYFilmsFilms developed printed and enlarged enlargedBest enlargedBest enlargedBestBest work Lowest prices Kodaks Cam Cameras Cameras Cameras eras and all photo supplies suppliesWHITSONS suppliesVIIITSONS suppliesWHITSONSWHITSONS 712 OUt at nw nwPhone nwPhone nwPhonePhone Main 2053 Mail orders given givencareful givencareful givencarefulcareful attention 158eod 158eodSIGNORA lAeodSIGXORA IZeodSIGNORASIGNORA ANNINA ANDRINI ANDRININatural AltnRISINatural ANDRININaturalNatural clairvoyant spiritual adviser adviserand adviserand adviserandand interpreter of dreams Phone Lin Lincoln Lincoln Lincoin coln 2969 Office 117 7th st st ne Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ington D C The greatest work one onecan onecan onecancan do for another Is to help one to helphims himself lf Perfect health healthhow how to get it itand Jtand Itandand how to keep It It Write to or call and andtest andtest andtesttest this wonderful manipulator of soul soulwer soulpower soulpowerpower > wer using no aid no device but the theIgher theHlgb theHigherHlgb Higher Igher r Intelligence to make you ac acquainted acquainted acqualnted quainted with yourself Just as you are as asto asto astoto character life and health Business Businesschances BusinesschancH Businesschanceschances a specialty Thirtythird degreeEuropena mystic adept 149suntf 149suntfMISS lwsuntfMISS 146suntfMISSMISS T THO H O M o P S SONMANICURING O N MANICURINGHours 10 to 6 t Phone TOOS Main OpenSunday 521 2t 11th st nw 173 173MISS 178MISS 173MISSMISS MORRIb MORRIbManicuring MORRI5Manicuring MORRthManicuringManicuring and shampooing 9 a m toe Ii p m 12TO Eye st st nw Phone MainO Open O n Sundays 163tf 163tfBBSSIE liBtfBBSSIE 153tiBSSIEBBSSIE MAE BROOKS MANICURING MANICURINGshampoolner MANICURINGamPOOln MANICURINGsitnDooineshampoolner amPOOln and facial massage ma3 Bge Hours HoUl10 to 8 72S 72 llth Ut at 8t nw mdtf mdtfSCIENTIFIC 171dttSCIBNTIFIC lTldtfSCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC ELECTRIC MASSAGEMagnetic MR eUc Treatment Tr tment Manicuring178 SIS H st nw top floor floorSIGNORA fioorSIGliORA floorSIGNORASIGNORA ANNINA ANNI A ANDRINI FAZZI FAZZIPHONE FAZZIPHONE FAZZIPHONEPHONE 9096 LINCOLNShampooing Wednesday and Saturday4 tc 10 p m Combings and old switches switchesmade switchesmade swItchesmademade Into the latest style braids or putts puttsthrough puttsthrou puffsthroughthrough throu h connection with the leading leadin leadindeakrsdtfcr IfrI and in a position to furnish furnisheverything Curnlshever1thlng furnisheverythingeverything up to date and match nil nilshades allshdf9shades of hair Wigs made to orderEAST CAPITOL HAIRDRESSING PAR P AR ILORS cor 4th and East Capitol sts sts196tf1tt 196tfMISS 1ttUSS 1ttMISSMISS USS CAULFIELD MANICURING MANICURINGshampooing MANICURINGIshampooingshampooing 29 2 Grant plate pli ce near 10thHours 10 to 8 Open Sunday IKtf IKtfHIGHEST 125ttHIGHEST 125tiHIGHESTHIGHEST CASH PRICES PRICESPAID PAID FOR FORworn FORworn FORwornworn clothing ol thlng either ladles or gents gentssend gentsend gentssendsend postal will call L TARSHES 1303 13037th 13097th 13037th7th st st nw Phone North 4S9 190tf 190tfLAOTDBY 190ttLA1JNDRY 190LiLA1mDItYLAOTDBY LAOTDBYSHIRTS LA1JNDRYSHIRTS LA1mDItYSHIRTSSHIRTS lOc COLLARS l lc 1cwhen c cwhenwhen left at office office2c officec I2c c when delivered delivered3IBTROPOLITAN deUvoredIETROPOLITAN deliveredIIBPJtOPOLITAN3IBTROPOLITAN LAUNDRY LAUNDRYS10S10 10 9th st 8t nw nwWOMENS nwus nwWOMENSusWOMENS WANTS WANTSUPHOLSTERING WANTSUPHOLSTERING WANTSUPHOLSTERINGUPHOLSTERING CABINETMAKING CABINETMAKINGMATTRBSS CABINETMAKINGMA CABINETMAKINGMATTRESSMATTRESS MA TTR1SS MAKING REFINISHING RBFINISKINGAND RBFINISHINGAND REFINISHINGANDAND REPAIRING REPAIRINGSLIP REPAIRINGSLIP REPAIRINGSLIPSLIP COVERS COVERSWALL COVERSWALL COVERSWALLWALL PAPERING PAPERINGG PAPSRINGGet PAP1tINGGetG Get t Our BsifrattA BsifrattANo htflMtNo Job too large l Iarg rSe or toosmtiH toobsmiiAll work called VHT Zsr sad u delivered dHvaradJEAN deliveredJEAN JEAN JEA AHRANOS AHRANOStt AnRA AHRANOS12t1 QS QSaatt aa 1kh th st nwPhene N JS23 3S23PALMISTRY 3123PALMTSTRY v vPALMISTRYPALMISTRY PALMISTRYainsMRS R IUSBY IUSBYLanguage LUSBYLan LUSDYLe2guageLanguage Lan ge of the hand and cards cu a gys y Iteraadcalfy read fe tee moderate positively positivelyJDOGShldf Ismes onlYi11 only 11 a m to t p m ClosedSundays r3JJ 3 N Y ave W lDi lDiJOGS 1116OGSJOGS OGS CATS BIRDS BIRDSSINGING c clNGING cISINGING lNGING I N G fN CANARIES CAN lUES PARROTS PARBOTSDogs PARROTSDogsCat PAItBOTSDogsDogs DogsCat Cats Goldttshe Robbits GuineaPigs PJ and Chickens nlckUl8 7CAMIDS C CijMID ltIIDS BIRD BIRDETURE BIRDSTORE BIRDgTOItESTORE 712 l1 12th st nw nWffAGENTS WANTED WANTEDCHANCE WANTEDCHANCE WANTEDCHANCECHANCE TO MAKE MONEY FOR FORmailorder FORm FORmallordermailorder m llorder man family necessity withvery withvery with withveryvery large profits a w summer seller we W6furniSh wefurnish i ifurnishfurnish cartons for mailing also adver adverUsing adverUlnr advertisingUsing free in big Sunday Sunda dailies dont dontmiss dontmiss dontmissmiss this chance THE F H ALDEN ALDENCO ALDENCO ALDENCOCO Advertising Advertlsln Agents 519 51 Main st st stCincinnati StCincinnati i iCincinnatiCincinnati Ohio OhioHELP OhioHELP OhioHELPHELP WANTED W ANTEDMALE ANTEDMALEA MALT MALTAi A FIRSTCLASS BUSHELMAN B SHELMAN FRONT FRONTstore FRONTstore FRONTstorestore light to work by b M F SELTZ SELTZ13S21382 F st nw nwLINOTYPE nwLINOTYPE nwLINOTPELINOTYPE OPERATORS EARN FROM1800 1 to 52000 200 a year YOU can mae master maatar maeter ter this trade at moderate cost EM EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE PIRE SCHOOL 419 1st ave New York YorkTWO YorkTWO YorkWoTWO Wo TRAVELING SALESMEN WANT WANTed WANTed V A T Teded to calL on country trade In Mary Maryland MaryJand Maryland land Virginia and District of Columbia Columbia1i150 1i monthly and expenses e pemles LOS AN ANGELES ANGELES ANGELES GELES CIDER CO Atlanta Ga GaWANTED GaWANTED GaWANTEDWANTED PHOTOGRAPHER AT ATderstands ATChesapeake ATChesapeakeChesapeake Beach who thoroughly un understands understandsderstands post card photographing Ap Apply Apply Apuly ply J M FREEDLEY Chesapeake ChesapeakeBench Ch Chesapeakel3ench ap e eBenchBench Md 171 177WANTEDEXPERIENCED 171WANTEDEXPERIENCED 171WANTEDEXPERIENCEDWANTEDEXPERIENCED WANTEDEXPERIENCED MATTRESS MATTRESSmakers MATTRESSmakers MATTRESSmakersmakers steady employment GEO L LSELDNEfR LSELDNER LSEIJDNRSELDNEfR SEIJDNR CO CO1 lOG N Frederick at 5t Bal Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore timore Md 179 179WANTEDTEAMS 179WAJ 179WANTEDTEAMSWANTEDTEAMS WAJ TEDTEAMS AND LABORERS LABORERSBURR LABORERSBURR LABORERSBURRBURR BROS 15th and H sts nw 177 177WANTEDSECOND 177WANTEDSECOND 177WANTEDSECONDWANTEDSECOND OR THIRD CLASS CLASSengineer CLASSengineer CLASSengineerengineer colored to run hydraulic ele elevator eleator olevator vator ator and dynamo HOTEL JOHNSON JOHNSONITl177 177AN ITlAN 177ANAN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY MAYearn MAYearn MAYearnearn 100 monthly corresponding c for fornewspapers tornewspaper9 fornewspapersnewspapers no canvassing send for par particulars prtlcula particuiars ticulars tlcula PRESS SYNDICATE Lockport LockportNN Y 210 210HELP 210HELP 210HELPHELP WANTED W WANTEDFIEMAT WANTEDFIEMATWANTED ANTEDFEM FEMALE A TF TFWANTEDWANTED MIDDLEAGED WOMAN WOMANmothers WOMANmothers WOMANmothersmothers helper helPert one child good home hometo hometoto rl ri5ht ht party all 9 a m to 1 p 111t in416 Kentucky K ntucky ave se seWANTEDIN 11i 11iWANTEDIN 17 17WANTEDINWANTEDIN PRIVATE FAMILY EX EXperlenced EXperienced EXperlencedperlenced woman for cooking washing washingand washingand washingandand Ironing must be firstclass cook cookApply cookApply cookApplyApply 1421 Belmont st st after 7 oclock oclockevenings oclockevenings oclockeveningsevenings 177 177AN 171AN 177ANAN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY MAYearn MAYearn MAYearnearn 100 monthly corresponding fornewspapers for fornewspapers fornewspapersnewspapers no canvassing canassl9g send for par particulars partlculars particulars ticulars PRESS Ptd PkESS SS SYNDICATE Lockport LockportNN No Y 210 210MALE 210MALE 210htALEMALE FEMALE MALE HELP WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEMALE COOK COLORED FOR MAINE MAINEChambermaid 1tIAINEChambermaid 1IAINEChambermaidChambermaid waitress colored for forPennsylvania forPennsylvania forPennsylvaniaPennsylvania Call 10 a m today or orearly 01 01oarly orearlyearly Monday THE EUREKA 1011 New NewYork NewYork NOWYorkYork ave aveSITUATIONS aveSITUATIONS aveSITUATIONSSITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALECOLLEGE WANTEDMALECOLLEGE MAT MATCOLLEGECOLLEGE GRADUATE SINGLE 22 22years 22years 2 2yearsyears old seeks position as teacher in inprivate Inprivate iniwivateprivate school or family famtlr A No 1 record recordand recordaDd recordandand references BOX 38 OHt S Herald office officeFOR officeFOR officeFORFOR SALE SALEMISCELLANEOUS SALEMISCELLANEOUSDRY MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSDRYDRY GOODS NOTIONS AND CON CONfactlonery CONfectionery CONfeetloneryfactlonery store with living rooms roomsabove roomsabove roomsaboveabove fine location northwest no com competition comIKtltJon campetttlon petition going South Address BOX 90 90Herald tDH 9 9HeraldHerald H TaJd office officeCAMPING 179 179CAMPING 179CAMPINGCAMPING OUTFIT AT COLONIAL COLONIALBeach COLONIALBeach COLONIALBeachBeach For dates address W P PGOCHENOUR PGOCHENOUR PGOCIJENOURGOCHENOUR Station K D C 177179 177179MULLINS 171179MULLINS 177176MULLINSMULLINS AUTO SPEED SP SPED ED BOAT FOR FORsale FORsale FORsalesale cheap 22 2 ft 3cyltnder I cylinder 17 17Y H P15 miles an hour awning cushions mag magnate magneto magnato nato and all accessories in Al condition conditionYours condltonYours conditonYoursYours for 460 iO Address CARL E COX COXSK COxSOB COXsoSK so Main st 8t Fredericksburg VaT V Vii 178 178HUGO 178HUGO 178JIUCOHUGO WORCIPS PIANOS PIANOSare PIANOSare PIANOSareare successful beyond measure measureall measureall measureallall because of their Incomparable Incomparablequality Incomp incomparablequality rahle rahlequalityquality Note the bargains that thatare thatare thatareare being offered you in order that thatwe tkatwe thatwewe may reduce our stock Those ThosePianog T1MHPlanea ThaPIanoSPIanoS are as good as new Why Whyput Whyputitori Vltyputput putitori it off ortSOO800 00 Vase VK i5400 Cable Nelson 1M 1M4M 5 5M4M Needham 180 180MQ 180JIOMQ Stleff StieffTill fJjO fJjOSMO 00 00MOTill MO Sohmer SohmerSoluner J3S J3S570ft570ft 101 Sohrner SolunerBriggs 398 3MBrI 398MOMO Briggs BrI BriggsIA lo loaf 109af 860 IA O Jacob Bros BrosWORCIIS 160 160WORCHSWORCHS PIANO HOUSE1010 G st 8t nw nwWORCH nwWORCH nwWORCHWORCH BUILDING BUILDINGSTICKIEST BUILDINGS1ICKIEST BUILDINGSTICKIESTSTICKIEST STICKER STICKE EVER STUCKGlues furniture glass china books bookseverything booksenrythlng bookseverythingeverything ROYAL GLUE lOc 40c 60c 60cPints 6OcPInts 60cPintsPints 1 Druggists c mylStf mylStfMEDICAL myt6ttMEDICAL rnylCtfMEDICALMEDICAL MEDICALRHEUMATISM MEDICALRHEUMATIS MEDICALRHEUMATISMRHEUMATISM I IS CURABLE CURABLERELIEF CURABLERELIEFor RELIEF RELIEForor cure guaranteed home references referencescalls referencescaIJa referencescallscalls made remedies furnished Just Justphone Justphone Justphonephone Main 16 161 DR NICHOLSON 1806New York ave aveDOCTOR aveDOCTOR aveDOCTORDOCTOR GARDNER Specialist1301 G st st nw Jordan BuildingHours 9 until 12 3 until 6 6Catarrh 6Catarrh 6Catarrh<b

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